
Keeping Your Entire Family's Vision Safe

When To Schedule Eye Exams

Eye doctors help patients to preserve and improve their vision. In order to undergo an eye exam, you'll need to schedule an appointment with an optometrist or ophthalmologist. Some people don't realize that they need an eye exam, but having your eyes checked at recommended intervals can ensure that you do not develop undetected eye problems. You should schedule an eye exam in these situations:

1. You need or wear glasses or contacts.

If you currently wear glasses or contact lenses, you should schedule annual appointments with your eye doctor. Regular eye exams allow people to update their vision prescriptions so they never have to suffer through blurry vision. If you've never worn glasses or contacts before but suspect that you need them, an eye doctor can perform a visual acuity test to confirm your suspicion and help you get the right prescription.

2. You have diabetes.

People with diabetes should see their eye doctors annually, even if they do not wear glasses or contact lenses. That's because diabetes puts people at greater risk for vision loss caused by glaucoma. Uncontrolled blood pressure can cause pressure within the eye, which can strain the optic nerve. Over time, this can cause irreversible vision damage. Eye doctors can monitor diabetic patients for signs of glaucoma through annual eye exams. People with glaucoma can take medication to treat their condition and prevent sight loss.

3. You haven't been to the eye doctor since you turned 20.

People should undergo periodic vision screenings throughout their childhoods to ensure that myopia and hyperopia do not go undiagnosed. Once you become an adult, you may not need to see an eye doctor every year if you have clear vision and no eye symptoms. However, the American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends that adults have at least one eye exam in their 20s. If you are in your twenties and have not yet scheduled an eye exam, it is a good idea to do so.

4. You experience sudden changes in vision.

Finally, people who experience sudden changes in vision should schedule an eye exam right away. Blurry vision, optical artifacts, and unexplained flashes of light can indicate certain eye diseases or neurological conditions. Your eye doctor is the best person to help you with health concerns that affect your eyes. They can give you a thorough eye exam to determine if the problems you are experiencing originate in your eyes. If so, your eye doctor can prescribe the appropriate treatments. Otherwise, your eye doctor may refer you to a neurologist or additional specialist to help you find answers. 

For more information, contact a local eye doctor

About Me

Keeping Your Entire Family's Vision Safe

My spouse and I encourage our kids to eat right and exercise as often as possible to stay healthy. But one of the things we didn't do is monitor our children's vision properly. Our youngest child had problems seeing things, even if the objects were placed right in front of them. After visiting the eye doctor, my spouse and I learned that our child had a problem called farsightedness. My loved one could see things from a distance, but they couldn't view things clearly up close. My little one now wears corrective eyeglasses. The eye doctor explained how to recognize the signs of vision problems during our visits. If my spouse and I had noticed the signs earlier, our little one would've received care sooner. My blog helps other people learn how to recognize vision problems in their loved ones, including kids. Good luck and thank you for visiting.
